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Schedule of Classes

Please find the schedule of classes for Fall 2021-Spring 2024 below.

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Fall 2024 Schedule

Subj Cat Sect Class Title Topic Units GE Day START TIME END TIME Cap Facil ID Last
ENGL  160A 001 1672 Humanities Learning Community   4.00 GEC2 M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 25 STEV1301 Wandling
ENGL  160A 002 1673 Humanities Learning Community   4.00 GEC2 W 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 25 SALZ2025  
ENGL  200 001 1714 Teaching Schooling & Education   3.00 GEA1 TTH 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 25 BISYNC Stone
ENGL  201 001 1609 Literary Analysis: Seminar American Eco-Poetics 4.00   MW 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 20 SALZ1031 Hester-Williams
ENGL  207 001 1684 Intro to Creative Writing   3.00 GEC1 W 01:00 PM 03:40 PM 25 BISYNC Winter
ENGL  207 002 2819 Intro to Creative Writing   3.00 GEC1 TH 01:00 PM 03:40 PM 25 CARS0020 Jeffra
ENGL  235 001 1610 Early British & American Lit. Lit. & Justice, 1000-1800 4.00   TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 40 WINE1001 Bryant
ENGL  307 001 1841 Intro to Fiction Writing Trashy Stories 4.00   TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 NICH0304 Kiesbye
ENGL  315 001 1778 California Ethnic Literature   3.00 GECU W 07:00 PM 09:40 PM 40 BISYNC Rizzuto
ENGL  339 001 1612 Introduction to Shakespeare Updating Shakespeare 4.00   TTH 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 40 DARW0037 Bryant
ENGL  341 001 1613 Explorations in Language Undrstdng. Lang. & Racialztn. 4.00   M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 40 SALZ2014 Stone
ENGL  341 001 1613 Explorations in Language   4.00   ARR     40 HYBRID Stone
ENGL  343 001 2820 Youth and Literature   4.00   M 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 40 SALZ2014 Stone
ENGL  343 001 2820 Youth and Literature   4.00   ARR     40 HYBRID Stone
ENGL  345 001 2821 Women Writers Feminist Literature 3.00 GECU ARR     40 ASYNC Hester-Williams
ENGL  350 001 1614 Survey in Distinct Ethnic Trad Chinese Lit:Dissent&Transcendn 4.00   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 30 SALZ2022 Wo
ENGL  368 001 1615 Small Press Editing: ZAUM   4.00   F 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 NICH0304 Jeffra
ENGL  385 001 1616 Junior Literature Seminar Lit Now & Then-Queer Genealgs 4.00   TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 20 SALZ1031 Wandling
ENGL  401 001 2822 Intro-Modern Critical Theory Invention of Modern Childhood 4.00   MW 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 40 DARW0038 Wo
ENGL  418 001 1735 Advanced Poetry Writing   4.00   TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 SALZ2012 Winter
ENGL  430 001 2823 Creative Writing:Select Genres   4.00   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 NICH0304 Jeffra
ENGL  435 001 1617 Directed Writing   4.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  435 002 1618 Directed Writing Capstone 4.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  435 003 1619 Directed Writing Elective 4.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  435 004 1620 Directed Writing Fiction 4.00   ARR     15   Winter
ENGL  435 005 1621 Directed Writing Capstone 4.00   ARR     15   Winter
ENGL  435 006 1622 Directed Writing Elective 4.00   ARR     15   Winter
ENGL  450 001 2824 Periods in American Literature Black Poetics 4.00   MW 03:00 PM 04:50 PM 30 DARW0035 Hester-Williams
ENGL  481 001 1696 Studies in British Literature Fantasy Lit. & Social Change 4.00   TTH 05:00 PM 06:50 PM 20 SALZ2016 Bryant
ENGL  491 001 1623 Seminar: Teaching Composition Writing as Practice of Libertn 4.00   MW 03:00 PM 04:50 PM 20 STEV1209 Johnson
ENGL  494 001 1839 Advanced Survey   4.00   TTH 05:00 PM 06:50 PM 20 SALZ1031 Wo
ENGL  500 001 1624 Research and Critical Writing Theory & Literary Praxis 4.00   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 SALZ1031 Wandling
ENGL  503 001 1715 Practice Teaching College Comp   1.00   TH 01:00 PM 01:50 PM 10 SALZ1031 Rizzuto
ENGL  530 001 2825 Grad.Workshop-Creative Writing   4.00   W 05:00 PM 08:40 PM 20 SALZ1031 Kiesbye
ENGL  535 1-5 1625 Directed Writing   Var   ARR     12   Kiesbye
ENGL  535 6-10 1630 Directed Writing   Var   ARR     12   Winter
ENGL  578 001 1635 Project Continuation   1.00   ARR     12    
ENGL  597 001 1636 Directed Reading   3.00   ARR     15    
ENGL  599 001 1637 Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading   Var   ARR     15    

Spring 2024 Schedule

Subj Cat Sect Class Short Title Topic Units GE Pat START END Cap Room Last
ENGL  200 001 2836 Teaching Schooling & Education 3.00 GEA1 MW 04:00 PM 05:15 PM 25 BISYNC Stone
ENGL  201 001 1793 Literary Analysis: Seminar Landscape & Mindscape 4.00   MW 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 20 NICH0304 Wo
ENGL  201 002 2844 Literary Analysis: Seminar Narrative Poetics 4.00   TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 20 CARS30Hybrid Hester-Williams
ENGL  207 001 1551 Intro to Creative Writing   3.00 GEC1 W 01:00 PM 03:40 PM 20 BISYNC Winter
ENGL  236 001 1591 Later British & American Lit. Writing After the Enlightmt 4.00   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 40 SALZ1026 Wo
ENGL  313 001 2837 Classical Literature and Myth Intro to Grk/Romn Myths 4.00   TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 25 SALZ2016 Bryant
ENGL  318 001 2838 Introduction to Poetry Writing 4.00   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 NICH0304 Winter
ENGL  339 001 1540 Intro to Shakespeare   4.00   F 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 40 BISYNC Kunat
ENGL  345 001 1848 Women Writers   3.00 GECU TTH 01:00 PM 02:15 PM 40 ARTS0108 Bryant
ENGL  368 001 1453 Small Press Editing: ZAUM   4.00   ARR     25 HYBRID Jeffra
ENGL  368 001 1453 Small Press Editing: ZAUM   4.00   TH 05:00 PM 08:40 PM 25 SALZ1035 Jeffra
ENGL  379 001 1463 Struc Engl:Pedagogical Grammar 4.00   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 40 DARW0029 Miller
ENGL  403 001 2989 Contemp Wrld Lit: Form & Pract 4.00   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 30 BISYNC Goldman
ENGL  407 001 2840 Advanced Fiction Writing   4.00   TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 CARS0030 Jeffra
ENGL  430 001 1610 Creative Writing:Select Genres Creative Non-Fiction 4.00   TH 05:00 PM 08:40 PM 25 BISYNC Goldman
ENGL  435 001 1469 Directed Writing Non-Fiction 4.00   ARR     15   Jeffra
ENGL  435 002 1470 Directed Writing Capstone 4.00   ARR     15   Jeffra
ENGL  435 003 1471 Directed Writing Elective 4.00   ARR     15   Jeffra
ENGL  435 004 1590 Directed Writing Fiction/Poetry 4.00   ARR     15   Winter
ENGL  435 005 1725 Directed Writing Capstone 4.00   ARR     15   Winter
ENGL  435 006 1726 Directed Writing Elective 4.00   ARR     15   Winter
ENGL  450 001 2841 Periods in American Literature Amer. Gothic & Horror 4.00   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 30 SALZ1051 Hester-Williams
ENGL  481 001 1896 Studies in British Literature Mediev Legends King Arth 4.00   TTH 05:00 PM 06:50 PM 35 DARW0037 Bryant
ENGL  485 001 2842 Senior Literature Seminar   4.00   W 05:00 PM 08:40 PM 25 BISYNC Kunat
ENGL  492 001 1532 Reading and Responding to Lit (hybrid) 4.00   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 40 SALZ1026 Stone
ENGL  495 001 3114 Special Studies   4.00   ARR     1   Wo
ENGL  496 001 1539 English Educ. Capstone Seminar 4.00   W 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 40 BISYNC Johnson
ENGL  503 001 1804 Practice Teaching College Comp 1.00   W 11:00 AM 11:50 AM 20 SYNC Rizzuto
ENGL  530 001 2843 Grad.Workshop-Creative Writing 4.00   W 05:00 PM 08:40 PM 20 BISYNC Goldman
ENGL  535 1-5 Var Directed Writing   Var   ARR     15   Jeffra
ENGL  535 6-10 Var Directed Writing   Var   ARR     15   Winter
ENGL  587 001 1611 Seminar: Rhetorical Theory   4.00   TTH 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 20 IVES0034 Rizzuto
ENGL  599 001-5 1459 Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading   Var   ARR     10    
Fulfills ENGL 350:                      
CALS 474 001 1901 Major Authors in Chicn & Latino Literature 3.00 GEA2 MW 08:00 AM 09:15 AM 25 IVES0045 Johnson
Humanities Learning Community:                  
ENGL  160B 001 1564 Humanities Learning Community 4.00 GEA3 M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 24 STEV1300 Wandling
ENGL  160B 002 1792 Humanities Learning Community 4.00 GEA3 W 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 24 IVES0078 Wandling
ENGL  160B 003 2832 Humanities Learning Community 4.00 GEA3 M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 24 STEV1300 Wandling
ENGL  160B 004 2833 Humanities Learning Community 4.00 GEA3 W 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 24 SALZ2012 Gerhard
ENGL  160B 005 2834 Humanities Learning Community 4.00 GEA3 M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 24 STEV1300 Wandling
ENGL  160B 006 2835 Humanities Learning Community 4.00 GEA3 W 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 24 DARW0030 Gerhard
Shadow courses:                      
ENGL  314 001 1609 Modern World Lit in English CURRENTLY CLOSED 3.00 GECU ARR     40 ASYNC Zahra
ENGL  315 001 1905 California Ethnic Literature CURRENTLY CLOSED 3.00 GECU W 07:00 PM 09:40 PM 40 BISYNC Rizzuto

Fall 2023 Schedule

Subj Cat Sec Title Topic Class Units GE Day Start End Cap Facil ID Last
ENGL  160A 001 Humanities Learning Community Sci-Fi & I 1832 4.00 GEC2 M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 25 DARW0102 Wandling
ENGL  160A 002 Humanities Learning Community Sci-Fi & I 1833 4.00 GEC2 W 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 25 DARW0102 Wandling
ENGL  160A 003 Humanities Learning Community 3381 4.00 GEC2 M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 25 DARW0102 Wandling
ENGL  160A 005 Humanities Learning Community 3383 4.00 GEC2 M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 25 DARW0102 Wandling
ENGL  200 001 Teaching Schooling & Education 1898 3.00 GEA1 TTH 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 25 BISYNC Stone
ENGL  201 001 Literary Analysis: Seminar American Poetics 1752 4.00   MW 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 20 CARS0014 Hester-Williams
ENGL  207 001 Intro to Creative Writing   1851 3.00 GEC1 W 01:00 PM 03:40 PM 20 BISYNC Winter
ENGL  235 001 Early British & American Lit. Lit. & Justice, 1000-1800 1754 4.00   TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 40 WINE1001 Bryant
ENGL  307 001 Intro to Fiction Writing   3430 4.00   TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 SALZ2012 Staff
ENGL  315 001 California Ethnic Literature   3209 3.00 GECU W 07:00 PM 09:40 PM 40 STEV1102 Rizzuto
ENGL  339 001 Intro to Shakespeare Updating Shakespeare 1756 4.00   TTH 01:00 PM 02:50 PM 40 SALZ1029 Bryant
ENGL  341 001 Explorations in Language Undrstdng. Lang. & Racialztn. 1757 4.00   M 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 40 CARS0068 Stone
ENGL  350 001 Survey in Distinct Ethnic Trad BLM in AfroPoetics 1759 4.00   ARR     40 ASYNC Hester-Williams
ENGL  352 001 Personal Essay   3429 4.00   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 40 DARW0035 Winter
ENGL  368 001 Small Press Editing: ZAUM   1760 4.00   TH 05:00 PM 08:40 PM 20 SALZ1031 Staff
ENGL  385 001 Junior Literature Seminar Literature Now and Then 1762 4.00   TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 20 CARS0030 Wandling
ENGL  418 001 Advanced Poetry Writing   1926 4.00   F 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 STEV1107 Winter
ENGL  435 001 Directed Writing Directed Writing - General 1765 4.00   ARR     15   Staff
ENGL  435 002 Directed Writing Directed Writing - Capstone 1766 4.00   ARR     15   Staff
ENGL  435 003 Directed Writing Directed Writing - Elective 1767 4.00   ARR     15   Staff
ENGL  435 004 Directed Writing Directed Writing - Fiction 1768 4.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  435 005 Directed Writing Directed Writing - Capstone 1769 4.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  435 006 Directed Writing Directed Writing - Elective 1770 4.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  481 001 Studies in British Literature Post-Atomic Lit 1868 4.00   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 40 SALZ2021 Wo
ENGL  483 001 Individual Authors: American Mark Twain's America 3210 4.00   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 40 SALZ2019 Hester-Williams
ENGL  487 001 Studies in Rhetoric   1869 4.00   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 39 SALZ2020 Miller
ENGL  491 001 Seminar: Teaching Composition 1772 4.00   W 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 BISYNC Johnson
ENGL  494 001 Advanced Survey   3428 4.00   ARR     15 ASYNC Wo
ENGL  500 001 Research and Critical Writing Thinking thru (M)others 1774 4.00   TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM 20 CARS0020 Wo
ENGL  503 001 Practice Teaching College Comp 1900 1.00   T 01:00 PM 01:50 PM 20 CARS0030 Rizzuto
ENGL  535 001 Directed Writing   1775 1.00   ARR     15   Staff
ENGL  535 002 Directed Writing   1776 2.00   ARR     15   Staff
ENGL  535 003 Directed Writing   1777 3.00   ARR     15   Staff
ENGL  535 004 Directed Writing   1778 4.00   ARR     15   Staff
ENGL  535 005 Directed Writing   1779 6.00   ARR     15   Staff
ENGL  535 006 Directed Writing   1780 1.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  535 007 Directed Writing   1781 2.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  535 008 Directed Writing   1782 3.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  535 009 Directed Writing   1783 4.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  535 010 Directed Writing   1784 6.00   ARR     15   Kiesbye
ENGL  578 001 Project Continuation   1785 1.00   ARR     15    
ENGL  581 001 Seminar: British Literature Medieval Natures 1928 4.00   T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM 20 STEV1003 Bryant
ENGL  597 001 Directed Reading   1786 3.00   ARR     15    
ENGL  599 001 Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading   1787 3.00   ARR     15    

Spring 2023 Schedule

Subj. Cat. Sect Descr Topic Class Nbr Units GE Day START END  Facil ID Last Cap
ENGL  160B 001 Humanities Learning Community Fantasy and Science Fiction 1651 4.00 GEA3 M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ARTS0102 Wandling 24
ENGL  160B 002 Humanities Learning Community Fantasy and Science Fiction 1960 4.00 GEA3 W 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ARTS0102 Wandling 24
ENGL  201 001 Literary Analysis: Seminar   1962 4.00   T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Kunat 20
ENGL  207 001 Intro to Creative Writing   1630 3.00 GEC1 T 01:00 PM 03:40 PM BISYNC Winter 20
ENGL  236 001 Later British & American Lit. Writing and Dreaming after The Enlightenment  1681 4.00   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM CARS0014 Wo 40
ENGL  307 001 Intro to Fiction Writing Climate Fiction 1964 4.00   M 01:00 PM 04:40 PM ARTS0102 Kiesbye 20
ENGL  314 001 Modern World Lit in English Middle East & Arab World Literature  1717 3.00 GECU ARR     ASYNC Zahra 40
ENGL  315 001 California Ethnic Literature   3625 3.00 GECU W 07:00 PM 09:40 PM BISYNC Rizzuto 40
ENGL  339 001 Intro to Shakespeare   1619 4.00   F 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC Kunat 40
ENGL  345 001 Women Writers Feminist/Womanist Writers 3428 3.00 GECU T 11:00 AM 12:15 PM HYBRID Hester-Williams 25
                TH 11:00 AM 12:15 PM SALZ2025   25
ENGL  350 001 Survey in Distinct Ethnic Trad Chinese Literature: Dissent, Salvation, & Transcendence 1904 4.00   MW 01:00 PM 02:50 PM WINE1003 Wo 30
ENGL  352 001 Personal Essay   1905 4.00   TH 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Goldman 20
ENGL  368 001 Small Press Editing: ZAUM   1515 4.00   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM NICH0304 Jeffra 20
ENGL  375 001 Advanced Composition   1638 4.00   TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM STEV1207 Miller 25
ENGL  379 001 Struc Engl:Pedagogical Grammar   1529 4.00   TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM SALZ1026 Johnson 40
ENGL  401 001 Intro-Modern Critical Theory Romanticism and Theory 3544 4.00   TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM IVES0079 Wandling 32
ENGL  430 001 Creative Writing:Select Genres   1718 4.00   T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Goldman 20
ENGL  435 001 Directed Writing Non-Fiction 1536 4.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  435 002 Directed Writing Capstone 1537 4.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  435 003 Directed Writing Elective 1538 4.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  435 004 Directed Writing Fiction 1680 4.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  435 005 Directed Writing Capstone 1855 4.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  435 006 Directed Writing Elective 1856 4.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  435 007 Directed Writing Non-Fiction 1864 2.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  435 008 Directed Writing Capstone 1865 2.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  435 009 Directed Writing Elective 1866 2.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  435 010 Directed Writing Fiction 1869 2.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  435 011 Directed Writing Capstone 1870 2.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  435 012 Directed Writing Elective 1871 2.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  481 001 Studies in British Literature   3545 4.00   T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Kunat 40
ENGL  492 001 Reading and Responding to Lit   1609 4.00   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM SALZ1026 Stone 40
            4.00   ARR     HYBRID   40
ENGL  496 001 English Educ. Capstone Seminar   1617 4.00   W 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC Johnson 40
ENGL  503 001 Practice Teaching College Comp   1986 1.00   W 01:00 PM 01:50 PM CARS0030 Rizzuto 20
ENGL  535 001 Directed Writing   1516 1.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  535 002 Directed Writing   1517 2.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  535 003 Directed Writing   1518 3.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  535 004 Directed Writing   1727 4.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  535 005 Directed Writing   1822 6.00   ARR       Goldman 15
ENGL  535 006 Directed Writing   1823 1.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  535 007 Directed Writing   1850 2.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  535 008 Directed Writing   1851 3.00   ARR       Jeffra 15
ENGL  535 009 Directed Writing   1857 4.00   ARR       Jeffra 25
ENGL  535 010 Directed Writing   1858 6.00   ARR       Jeffra 25
ENGL  582 001 Seminar: American Literature American Feminist Literary Thry & Narrative 3423 4.00   TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM CARS0030 Hester-Williams 20
ENGL  587 001 Seminar: Rhetorical Theory   1719 4.00   M 05:00 PM 08:40 PM CARS0030 Miller 20
ENGL  599 001 Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading   1525 2.00   ARR         10
ENGL  599 002 Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading   1577 3.00   ARR         10
ENGL  599 003 Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading   1859 4.00   ARR         25
ENGL  599 004 Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading   1860 6.00   ARR         10

Fall 2022 Schedule

Subject Catalog Section Class# Units GE Descr Descr Start End Days Facil ID Last Cap
ENGL  099T 001 1778 1.00   Basic Composition-Tutoring   ARR ARR ARR ARR STAFF 200
ENGL  100B 044 1971 3.00 GEA2 First-Year Composition   09:30 AM 10:45 AM TTh BISYNC SHAPIRO 23
ENGL  101 070 1914 3.00 GEA2 Expos Writing&Analytic Reading 11:00 AM 12:15 PM TTh BISYNC HOSTUTLER 8
ENGL  101 072 1916 3.00 GEA2 Expos Writing&Analytic Reading 02:30 PM 03:45 PM TTh BISYNC ZAHRA 8
ENGL  101 074 1918 3.00 GEA2 Expos Writing&Analytic Reading 09:30 AM 10:45 AM TTh IVES0035 MILLER 8
ENGL  200 001 2070 3.00 GEA1 Teaching Schooling & Education 05:30 PM 06:45 PM MW BISYNC STONE 25
ENGL  201 001 1852 4.00   Literary Analysis: Seminar New Voices in Literature 01:00 PM 02:50 PM MW DARW0029 BRYANT 20
ENGL  201 002 1853 4.00   Literary Analysis: Seminar Landscape & Mindscape 10:00 AM 11:50 AM W HYBRID WO 20
ENGL  201 002 1853 4.00   Literary Analysis: Seminar Landscape & Mindscape 10:00 AM 11:50 AM M DARW0038 WO 20
ENGL  207 001 1975 3.00 GEC1 Intro to Creative Writing   01:00 PM 03:40 PM W BISYNC WINTER 20
ENGL  207 002 1976 3.00 GEC1 Intro to Creative Writing   01:00 PM 03:40 PM W BISYNC JEFFRA 20
ENGL  235 001 1855 4.00   Early British & American Lit. Lit. & Justice, 1000-1800 01:00 PM 02:50 PM TTh ZINFANDEL BRYANT 80
ENGL  313 001 1964 4.00   Classical Literature and Myth   05:00 PM 06:50 PM TTh SALZ2015 BRYANT 40
ENGL  314 001 1856 3.00 GECU Modern World Lit in English Fantastic\Sci-Fi in World Lit     ASYNC ZAHRA 40
ENGL  315 001 1857 3.00 GECU California Ethnic Literature   05:00 PM 07:40 PM T BISYNC RIZZUTO 40
ENGL  339 001 1858 4.00   Intro to Shakespeare Text and Performance 01:00 PM 04:40 PM F BISYNC KUNAT 40
ENGL  341 001 1859 4.00   Explorations in Language         HYBRID STONE 40
ENGL  341 001 1859 4.00   Explorations in Language   01:00 PM 04:40 PM M SALZ2014 STONE 40
ENGL  343 001 1860 4.00   Youth and Literature         HYBRID STONE 40
ENGL  343 001 1860 4.00   Youth and Literature   01:00 PM 04:40 PM T IH0200A STONE 40
ENGL  345 001 3237 3.00 GECU Women Writers   05:30 PM 06:45 PM MW SYNC RIZZUTO 40
ENGL  350 001 1861 4.00   Survey in Distinct Ethnic Trad Black Poetics 10:00 AM 11:50 AM TTh SALZ1033 HESTERWILLIAMS 30
ENGL  368 001 1862 4.00   Small Press Editing: ZAUM         HYBRID JEFFRA 20
ENGL  368 001 1862 4.00   Small Press Editing: ZAUM   01:00 PM 04:40 PM Th NICH0304 JEFFRA 20
ENGL  375 001 1863 4.00   Advanced Composition Professional Writing 10:00 AM 11:50 AM MW SALZ2025 MILLER 25
ENGL  385 001 1865 4.00   Junior Literature Seminar The World of Things 01:00 PM 04:40 PM Th SALZ1018B WO 20
ENGL  401 001 1866 4.00   Intro-Modern Critical Theory

Literary theory and the novel

10:00 AM 11:50 AM MW BISYNC STEARNS 40
ENGL  407 001 1974 4.00   Advanced Fiction Writing   05:00 PM 08:40 PM Th CARS0030 KIESBYE 20
ENGL  418 001 3238 4.00   Advanced Poetry Writing Visionary Poetics  01:00 PM 04:40 PM T BISYNC CONOLEY 20
ENGL  430 001 1867 4.00   Creative Writing:Select Genres Memoir 05:00 PM 08:40 PM M CARS0030 BRODERICK 20
ENGL  430 002 2008 4.00   Creative Writing:Select Genres Screen Writing 05:00 PM 08:40 PM W CARS0030 BRODERICK 20
ENGL  435 001 1868 4.00   Directed Writing - Fiction Directed Writing - Fiction     SYNCH JEFFRA 15
ENGL  435 002 1869 4.00   Directed Writing - Capstone Directed Writing - Capstone     SYNCH KIESBYE 15
ENGL  435 003 1870 4.00   Directed Writing - Elective Directed Writing - Elective     SYNCH KIESBYE 15
ENGL  435 004 1871 4.00   Directed Writing - Fiction Directed Writing - Fiction     SYNCH KIESBYE 15
ENGL  435 005 1872 4.00   Directed Writing - Capstone Directed Writing - Capstone     SYNCH   15
ENGL  435 006 1873 4.00   Directed Writing - Elective Directed Writing - Elective     SYNCH   15
ENGL  435 007 1980 2.00             SYNCH   15
ENGL  435 008 1981 2.00   Directed Writing - Fiction Directed Writing - Fiction     SYNCH   15
ENGL  481 001 2005 4.00   Studies in British Literature Reading Virginia Woolf 01:00 PM 04:40 PM W BISYNC STEARNS 30
ENGL  482 001 3239 4.00   Studies in American Literature Gothic America       HYBRID HESTERWILLIAMS 40
ENGL  482 001 3239 4.00   Studies in American Literature Gothic America 01:00 PM 04:40 PM T SALZ2015 HESTERWILLIAMS 40
ENGL  485 001 1874 4.00   Senior Literature Seminar Witches, Pirates and Amazons 05:00 PM 08:40 PM M BISYNC KUNAT 20
ENGL  487 001 2006 4.00   Studies in Rhetoric   05:00 PM 08:40 PM W BISYNC JOHNSON 40
ENGL  489 001 2010 4.00   Topics in Linguistics Hip-Hop Linguistics 01:00 PM 04:40 PM Th BISYNC JOHNSON 40
ENGL  491 001 1875 4.00   Seminar: Teaching Composition 01:00 PM 04:40 PM W BISYNC JOHNSON 20
ENGL  494 001 1876 4.00   Advanced Survey         ASYNC   15
ENGL  500 001 1877 4.00   Research and Critical Writing   01:00 PM 04:40 PM M BISYNC STEARNS 20
ENGL  503 001 2082 1.00   Practice Teaching College Comp 01:00 PM 01:50 PM W IH0201A MCINTYRE 20
ENGL  530 001 1848 4.00   Grad.Workshop-Creative Writing 05:00 PM 08:40 PM W SALZ1031 CONOLEY 20
ENGL  535 001 1878 1.00   Directed Writing           KIESBYE 15
ENGL  535 002 1879 2.00   Directed Writing           KIESBYE 15
ENGL  535 003 1880 3.00   Directed Writing           KIESBYE 15
ENGL  535 004 1881 4.00   Directed Writing           KIESBYE 15
ENGL  535 005 1882 6.00   Directed Writing           KIESBYE 15
ENGL  535 006 1883 1.00   Directed Writing             0
ENGL  535 007 1884 2.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Fiction         1
ENGL  535 008 1885 3.00   Directed Writing             0
ENGL  535 009 1886 4.00   Directed Writing             0
ENGL  535 010 1887 6.00   Directed Writing             0
ENGL  578 001 1888 1.00   Project Continuation             15
ENGL  581 001 3240 4.00   Seminar: British Literature The Gothic 05:00 PM 08:40 PM T BISYNC KUNAT 20
ENGL  597 001 1889 3.00   Directed Reading             15
ENGL  599 001 1890 3.00   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading             15
ENGL  599 002 1891 6.00   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading             15
ENGL  599 003 1937 2.00   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading             15

Spring 2022 Schedule

Subject Catalog Section Class Nbr Units GE Title Topic Days Start End Location Instructor Cap Enrl
ENGL  160B 001 1658 4.00 GEA3 Humanities Learning Community Fantasy and Science Fiction T 01:00 PM 02:50 PM CHALK HILL BRYANT 24
ENGL  160B 002 3546 4.00 GEA3 Humanities Learning Community Fantasy and Science Fiction Th 01:00 PM 02:50 PM CHALK HILL BRYANT 24
ENGL  200 001 3547 3.00 GEA1 Teaching Schooling & Education   MW 01:00 PM 02:15 PM BISYNC STONE 25
ENGL  201 001 3550 4.00   Literary Analysis: Seminar Fantasy and Other Worlds T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC KUNAT 20
ENGL  201 002 1746 4.00   Literary Analysis: Seminar   MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM IVES0034 MILLER 20
ENGL  207 001 1634 3.00 GEC1 Intro to Creative Writing   T 01:00 PM 03:40 PM BISYNC GOLDMAN 20
ENGL  236 001 1696 4.00   Later British & American Lit.   TTh 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ZINFANDEL WANDLING 80
ENGL  307 001 3552 4.00   Intro to Fiction Writing DarknessViolence&SlimyThings M 01:00 PM 04:40 PM ZIN1000B KIESBYE 20
ENGL  314 001 1747 3.00 GECU Modern World Lit in English         ASYNC ZAHRA 40
ENGL  315 001 1694 3.00 GECU California Ethnic Literature   W 04:00 PM 06:40 PM BISYNC RIZZUTO 40
ENGL  339 001 1622 4.00   Intro to Shakespeare Shakespeare's Worlds F 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC KUNAT 40
ENGL  345 001 1978 3.00 GECU Women Writers   MW 11:00 AM 12:15 PM SYNC BRYANT 40
ENGL  350 001 1979 4.00   Survey in Distinct Ethnic Trad Dissent,Transcendence&Salvatio M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SYNC WO 30
ENGL  350 001   4.00   Survey in Distinct Ethnic Trad Dissent,Transcendence&Salvatio W 10:00 AM 11:50 AM PHED0033 WO 30
ENGL  352 001 1980 4.00   Personal Essay Writing "True Stories" w/ "I" T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC GOLDMAN 20
ENGL  368 001 1494 4.00   Small Press Editing: ZAUM   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM IH0105 CONOLEY 20
ENGL  375 001 1643 4.00   Advanced Composition Genre, Land, Race & Gender TTh 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SALZ1035 MILLER 25
ENGL  379 001 1509 4.00   Struc Engl:Pedagogical Grammar   Th 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC JOHNSON 40
ENGL  385 001 1838 4.00   Junior Literature Seminar Lit & Film: adaptation/respon TTh 01:00 PM 02:50 PM SALZ1051 WANDLING 25
ENGL  403 001 3553 4.00   Contemp Wrld Lit: Form & Pract Reading Like a Writer Th 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC GOLDMAN 25
ENGL  418 001 1761 4.00   Advanced Poetry Writing American Poetics W 05:00 PM 08:40 PM SALZ1031 ROBBINS 20
ENGL  430 001 1748 4.00   Creative Writing:Select Genres Creative Non-fiction T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM MU17C101 OXENHANDLER 20
ENGL  435 001 1517 4.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Non-Fiction       SYNC OXENHANDLER 15
ENGL  435 002 1518 4.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Capstone       SYNC OXENHANDLER 15
ENGL  435 003 1519 4.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Elective       SYNC OXENHANDLER 15
ENGL  435 005 1899 4.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Capstone       SYNC JEFFRA 15
ENGL  435 006 1900 4.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Elective       SYNC JEFFRA 15
ENGL  435 007 1908 2.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Non-Fiction       SYNC OXENHANDLER 15
ENGL  435 008 1909 2.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Capstone       SYNC OXENHANDLER 15
ENGL  435 009 1910 2.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Elective       SYNC OXENHANDLER 15
ENGL  435 010 1913 2.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Fiction       SYNC JEFFRA 15
ENGL  435 011 1914 2.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Capstone       SYNC JEFFRA 15
ENGL  435 012 1915 2.00   Directed Writing Directed Writing - Elective       SYNC JEFFRA 15
ENGL  439 001 1960 4.00   Studies in Shakespeare Witchcraft and Magic T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC KUNAT 40
ENGL  450 001 3554 4.00   Periods in American Literature 19th Century Ecologies MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM DARW0035 HESTERWILLIAMS 40
ENGL  481 001 1982 4.00   Studies in British Literature Plague, Resilience & Mourning M 01:00 PM 02:50 PM SYNC WO 30
ENGL  481 001   4.00   Studies in British Literature Plague, Resilience & Mourning W 01:00 PM 02:50 PM IH0105 WO 30
ENGL  485 001 1839 4.00   Senior Literature Seminar Changing Words, Changing Worlds MW 05:00 PM 06:50 PM MU17B100 BRYANT 25
ENGL  492 001 1608 4.00   Reading and Responding to Lit   T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC STONE 40
ENGL  496 001 1620 4.00   English Educ. Capstone Seminar   W 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC JOHNSON 40
ENGL  499 001 2088 2.00   Internship              
ENGL  503 001 3588 1.00   Practice Teaching College Comp   T 01:00 PM 01:50 PM COOPERAGE3 MCINTYRE 20
ENGL  535 002 1496 2.00   Directed Writing         SYNC OXENHANDLER 15
ENGL  535 003 1497 3.00   Directed Writing         SYNC OXENHANDLER 15
ENGL  535 009 1901 4.00   Directed Writing         SYNC JEFFRA 25
ENGL  535 010 1902 6.00   Directed Writing         SYNC JEFFRA 25
ENGL  581 001 1983 4.00   Seminar: British Literature Romantic: Poetry/Theory/Novel W 05:00 PM 08:40 PM MU17C101 WANDLING 20
ENGL  587 001 1749 4.00   Seminar: Rhetorical Theory Toward an Anti-Racist Rhet/Com M 05:00 PM 08:40 PM SALZ2023 MCINTYRE 20
ENGL  588 001 3555 4.00   Seminar: Study of Language   Th 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC JOHNSON 20
ENGL  599 001 1505 2.00   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading         SYNC   10
ENGL  599 002 1571 3.00   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading         SYNC   10
ENGL  599 003 1903 4.00   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading         SYNC   25
ENGL  599 004 1904 6.00   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading         SYNC   10


Fall 2021 Schedule

Subject Catalog Section Class Nbr GE Title Days START TIME END TIME Location Last Name Rm Cap ENGL 200 001 3475 GEA1 Teaching CA Histories of Schooling and Education M 5:00 PM 6:15 PM BISYNC Stone 25 ENGL  201 001 1904   Literary Analysis: Seminar MW 01:00 PM 02:50 PM   Wandling 20 ENGL  201 002 1905   Literary Analysis: Seminar TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM   Miller 20 ENGL  201 003 1906   Literary Analysis: Seminar T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Kunat 20 ENGL  207 001 2079 GEC1 Intro to Creative Writing MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM   Winter 20 ENGL  207 002 2080 GEC1 Intro to Creative Writing TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM   Winter 20 ENGL  235 001 1907   Early British & American Lit. TTH 01:00 PM 02:50 PM SYNC Wandling 80 ENGL  273 001 2050 GEC2 Critl & Creat Readings Lit Tex T 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SYNC Zahra 25 ENGL  273 002 2051 GEC2 Critl & Creat Readings Lit Tex TH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM   Zahra 25 ENGL  303 001 1908   Special Studies in Composition T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM HYBRID McIntyre 20 ENGL  303 002 2081   Special Studies in Composition W     HYBRID Hostutler 20 ENGL  313 001 2052   Classical Literature and Myth MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SYNC Bryant 40 ENGL  314 001 1910 GEC2 Modern World Lit in English W 05:00 PM 08:40 PM HYBRID Wandling 40 ENGL  315 001 1911 GEC2 California Ethnic Literature M 05:00 PM 08:40 PM HYBRID Rizzuto 40 ENGL  318 001 3206   Introduction to Poetry Writing M 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Conoley 20 ENGL  339 001 1912   Intro to Shakespeare F 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC Kunat 40 ENGL  341 001 1913   Explorations in Language M 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC Stone 40 ENGL  343 001 1914   Youth and Literature T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC Stone 40 ENGL  350 001 1915   Survey in Distinct Ethnic Trad MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SYNC Wo 30 ENGL  368 001 1916   Small Press Editing: ZAUM M 01:00 PM 04:40 PM SYNC Conoley 20 ENGL  375 001 1917   Advanced Composition MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM   Miller 25 ENGL  375 002 1918   Advanced Composition W 05:00 PM 08:40 PM   Miller 25 ENGL  385 001 1919   Junior Literature Seminar TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM HYBRID Stearns 20 ENGL  401 001 1920   Intro-Modern Critical Theory TTH 10:00 AM 11:50 AM HYBRID Stearns 40 ENGL  407 001 2076   Advanced Fiction Writing TH 05:00 PM 08:40 PM   Sarris 20 ENGL  430 001 1921   Creative Writing:Select Genres T 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Oxenhandler 20 ENGL  430 002 3225   Creative Writing:Select Genres W 05:00 PM 08:40 PM   Broderick 20 ENGL  435 001 1922   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  435 002 1923   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  435 003 1924   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  435 004 1925   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  435 005 1926   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  435 006 1927   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  435 007 2084   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  435 008 2085   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  450 001 3207   Periods in American Literature W 09:00 AM 11:40 AM BISYNC Hester-Williams 40 ENGL  481 001 3208   Studies in British Literature T 01:00 PM 04:40 PM SYNC Wo 30 ENGL  485 001 1929   Senior Literature Seminar M 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Kunat 20 ENGL  487 001 3209   Studies in Rhetoric TH 05:00 PM 08:40 PM BISYNC Johnson 40 ENGL  489 001 3240   Topics in Linguistics TH 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC Johnson 40 ENGL  491 001 1930   Seminar: Teaching Composition W 01:00 PM 04:40 PM BISYNC Johnson 20 ENGL  494 002 1931   Advanced Survey ARR     ASYNC Wo 15 ENGL  500 001 1932   Research and Critical Writing TH 05:00 PM 08:40 PM   Bryant 20 ENGL  530 001 1900   Grad.Workshop-Creative Writing M 05:00 PM 08:40 PM   Kiesbye 20 ENGL  535 001 1933   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  535 002 1934   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  535 003 1935   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  535 004 1936   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  535 005 1937   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Kiesbye 15 ENGL  535 006 1938   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  535 007 1939   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  535 008 1940   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  535 009 1941   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  535 010 1942   Directed Writing ARR     SYNC Oxenhandler 15 ENGL  578 001 1943   Project Continuation ARR       Staff 15 ENGL  582 001 3235   Seminar: American Literature W 01:00 PM 04:40 PM HYBRID Stearns 20 ENGL  597 001 1944   Directed Reading ARR     SYNC Wo 15 ENGL  599 001 1945   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading ARR     SYNC Wo 15 ENGL  599 002 1946   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading ARR     SYNC Wo 15 ENGL  599 003 2009   Thesis & Accomp Dir Reading ARR     SYNC Wo 15