Kathleen Haidee Winter
Adjunct Professor

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- Creative Writing
Kathleen Winter is the author of three poetry collections, including Transformer, winner of the Hilary Tham contest and finalist for the Northern California Book Award; I will not kick my friends, winner of the Elixir Prize; and Nostalgia for the Criminal Past, winner of the Antivenom Prize. She has published two chapbooks, including Cat's Tongue in 2022. Her poems and short fiction have appeared in The New Statesman, The New Republic, Poetry London, Yale Review, Agni, Five Points, Colorado Review, Prairie Schooner, Michigan Quarterly Review and other journals in the US, UK, Ireland, and Canada. Her awards include the Poetry Society of America The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award, the Rochelle Ratner Memorial Prize, and the Ralph Johnston Fellowship. Winter was granted fellowships by the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Maison Dora Maar, James Merrill House, Vermont Studio Center, and the Heinrich Böll House on Achill Island, Ireland. She practiced law in California from 1995 to 2008 after graduating from UC Davis School of Law. She also holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Arizona State and an MA in English and American Literature from Boston College. An associate editor for the journal 32 Poems, Winter has taught at Sonoma State since 2017.